Electronic Resources
Calling all students! Did you know that you have free 24/7 tutoring and writing support for any subject, on your computer, tablet, or smartphone?
Paper helps students achieve their goals with 24/7 academic support:
Ways to use Live Help:
• Reviewing a specific homework or test question.
• Getting help with math concepts, formulas, and/or steps.
• Getting help with math concepts, formulas, and/or steps.
• Understanding a concept from class that you found confusing.
• Developing/refining a thesis statement or determining whether a paragraph meets a rubric’s requirements.
• Developing/refining a thesis statement or determining whether a paragraph meets a rubric’s requirements.
Ways to use the Review Center :
• Uploading essays, long paragraphs, book reports, and other writing drafts for detailed feedback on grammar, structure, content, and citations.
• Uploading lab reports for suggestions on format, structure, spelling, and grammar.